Wednesday, November 9

November 9: TODAY

  1. Bring your Morning Pages
  2. Bring fresh print out of elevator speech - having "accepted" (or rejected) my "track changes" edits
  3. You were to email me your "Track Changes" of the film review - and bring a print out
  4. You will hand in hard copy of your mini-Research paper with two citations from one book (the exercise where you actually pick out a BOOK in the library upstairs, cite it in two ways (comment here if you need more on this).  This is ONE PAGE with a "Works Cited" page as page 2.
  5. We have 2 or 3 new presentations today:  email me your Power Point before Noon today.
  6. NEXT WEEK WILL BE A "PREMISE" ASSIGNMENT - TO BE DUE THE FOLLOWING WEEK - SEE the post below.  Preparation for Premise assignment:  Natural Laws (use Roger Rabbit)