Monday, September 22

Morning Pages (MP)

  1. Consistency
    1. Same seat
    2. Same notebook or file
    3. Same amount:  3 PAGES. 
    4. Same time.
    5. Date on top
    6. Cpu or handwriting – but keep it the same
    7. Could take 15 minutes.
    8. No re-reading - could re-read on October 26 if you want
    1. Dreams
    2. To do
    3.  Irritation
    4. Free float
  3. MOST IMPORTANT:  Do not let the fingers stop.

Agenda 9/22

WRITE 10-15 min - first memory: 1. you 2. magic 3. critics
Who Am I?
create: creative and goal
technique: structure, grammar, MLA style, business, Hollywood, email, file naming
BLOG - video about re-doing
Syllabus: read all parts
Papers Back: title, 3 paragraphs, a word     
B R E A K - email me w Subject Line:  "Cch Writing One Two Three"
Assignment #1 re-do this paper and print out for next week.
WRITE 10 min
- Don't let the pencil stop
Morning Pages (MP):  see blog
- Assignment #2: MP Tu We Th Fr Sat
- Assignment #3 : Sun 12Noon 1 pg to:
                MLA header; Title & 3 paragraphs
WRITE 10 minutes - what you love
Who are YOU?

Google drive:  for feedback
business letter
one page - MLA and MSWord for header on page 2

Tuesday, September 9
