Thursday, November 1

DUE: the day after election day

1.  Proposal - one typed sheet
     Question about that topic
     3 "arguments" or approaches to try to answer that question (e.g., I will research Academy Awards, I will interview 3 editors, I will read XYZ book, I will watch audiences watching movies, I will do internet search, I will interview people about certain movies, I will compile a little "show", etc.

2.  Annie Dillard "The Writing Life" is on reserve in the Library.  read Chapter 1.  Xerox or type out 2-3-4 contiguous paragraphs that "grabbed" you.

3.  For the movie "Psycho" find two critics on IMDB (or similar site):  one professional critic and one citizen critic.  email me by Sunday noon (extending this deadline one day) the two "URLs" (internet addresses)

See you Wednesday

Wednesday, October 24

Halloween due

1.  Read the first chapter of Annie Dillard's book:  "The Writing Life".  It is on reserve in the Library
2.  2 pages on your VVCube:  follow all the rules we have learned so far (EOS 1-7, 17, and Tabor's rules).  Prompt:  Freedom and determinism operate at the same time.  How can I see this in my own life?  Can I set a goal and reach it?  Was I determined (ruled by external forces) to get into this class to build this VVC to set me on the path to reach this goal?  What highlights of the VVC are most effective for me?  IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO "USE YOURSELF" - you can pick a character in a film.
3.  Write down a list of 3 things (aspects, dimensions, instances) of what you LOVE in film.  Bring the list to class.
4.  A break this week from EOS - to resume next week.
5.  someone (Kelz) finally posted a link for all of us - watch that trailer of that movie.
6.  Post something yourself - or at least comment on Kelz' post.

Writing, today!

Sometimes we feel inspired to write.  Here is a poem I wrote in a workshop.

The Sound of Love

I love the sound of a word
To me it is the singing of a bird.
A word that is heard inside my heart
A word that does more than just impart –
I love the sounds that God has given us
That vibrate clearly inside my chest
They strike the drums beneath the chattering
They remind me of the unity under all the mattering
And when I love I know it best:
Love makes the sounds that let the language rest.

Wednesday, October 17

#4 comma but; #5 break 'em up

#4 Place a comma before a conjunction (and, but, or, while, whereas)
The United States courts got a "guilty" plea out of Polanski for statutory rape, but to avoid sentencing he fled our shores and returned to Europe where for 30 years he has hooked up with many beautiful women.  He directed our movie, "The Pianist," wherein a man is chased not by a nightmare but by Nazis.

#5 Independent phrases get a period, a colon, or a semi-colon, not a comma.WRONG:  I attended "Inception" so fully accepting the premise that life is but a dream and, therefor, we cannot discern between waking life and dream life that I was bored by how that premise did not just lie under the film, supporting it, but, rather, was used as a sledge hammar, giving rise to more car crashes than I care to remember, that little sphere reminded us that Leonardo got it too in case we didn't remember.  It became more a game of "can you tell if this is a dream or not" rather than an opening for us to see that our waking life is a dream. Heavy handed is what I call it.
RIGHT:    I attended "Inception" so fully accepting the premise that life is but a dream and, therefor, we cannot discern between waking life and dream life that I was bored by how that premise did not just lie under the film, supporting it, but, rather, was used as a sledge hammar, giving rise to more car crashes than I care to remember. That little sphere reminded us that Leonardo got it too in case we didn't remember.  It became more a game of "can you tell if this is a dream or not" rather than an opening for us to see that our waking life is a dream.  Heavy handed is what I call it.

WRONG A premise can convey a story with more elegance.  It could be argued that Hitchcock's "Psycho" rests on the premise that we see things in such a way as to preserve our need for order, then the film not only is supported by that premise but allows us to ride it as a great plot unravels atop it and the only one to be hit over the head is Janet Leigh--and all those birds.

RIGHT A premise can convey a story with more elegance.  It could be argued that Hitchcock's "Psycho" rests on the premise that we see things in such a way as to preserve our need for order.  Then the film not only is supported by that premise, but it allows us to ride it as a great plot unravels atop it.  The only one to be hit over the head is Janet Leigh--and all those birds.

Oct 17

1.  music to start
2.  EOS 4 and 5 - 30 MIN TO polish
3.  Finish up MP
4.  Collect Premise paper
BREAK - Go upstairs and find Annie Dillard
5.  One exercise
6.  3 things you love:  What is your Question about it
7.  Hand out format table:  show on screen
8.  Watch Act I of either K v K or Am Hist X

list GC and Premise
Ask:  what are two objectives

ASSIGN for next week
1.  Chapter 1:"The Writing Life"  - expect to write about it in class next week
2.  EOS 6 and 7
3.  K v. K:  2 p max paper on Premise, GC, Atmosphere, and Obj of Protagonist:  BE SPECIFIC:  TITLE, music, lights, camera angles, shots, lines, name, costumes, color, architecture

Tuesday, October 16

Working on Personal Premise paper...

Working on Personal Premise paper...

Thursday, October 11

Ready for the weekend!

Wednesday, October 10

Keeping it simple

  1. EOS
  2. Papers - back and forth
  3. MP check - and did you put the letter to yourself in an envelope?
  4. Business letters - activity and re-do
  5. Discussion of what is a premise
  6. Act I of a Movie for 1st elements of "structure"  premise, given circumstances
A Wall Street
B Am History X
C K v K
D V for Vendetta
E One Flew Over
F Annie Hall
G Ten Things I Hate About You

1.  EOS 4 and 5
2.  Finish up MP
3  What is your personal "premise":  A.  what is it  B.  how has it or could it serve  you  C.  where did it come from   D.  how might it operate for you in school, a project, your career?    2 pages max

3. Writing about writing (Read Annie Dillard, Chapter 1)

Saturday, October 6

Tuesday, October 2

Last week we talked; this week we write

rules + freedom.  We'll start with some rules

  1. EOS #2.  Mine - then pair off - then submit.
  2. Read off yellow rules from their entrance papers. 
  3. Hand back entrance papers 
  4. Re-write:  30 minutes + 10 minute break
  5. Return go over Morning Pages
  6. Syllabus
  7. Writing exercise:  30 minutes
  8. Read Business Letters:  hire
  9. select movie from votes
continue Morning Pages
write business letter:  typed and hand in hard copy
EOS #3:  double space; state the rule; wrong then right:  use film
EOS #2:  re-do if you wish; submit "late" if you wish.
write a letter to yourself.  Remind yourself of when and why you fell in love with your own creativity in the first place.  Allow it to be personal and heartfelt.  Seal this letter in an evolope and keep in in your desk.  Open in one year.

Sunday, September 30

Great interview

to embed YouTubes, paste the "embed code" in the HTML tab (rather than in the "compose" tab) when you make a new post

Monday, September 24

Agenda Sept 26

  1. Greetings
  2. Stories:  start at the end
  3. Write:  are you compelled to wonder, to dream, to express?  Yes, you are.   You were put here to express - even Marx's "species being."  Otto Rank.
  4. Ground rules (syllabus)
  5. Morning Pages
  6. Entry Exam
  7. EOS Rule #1:  Format and content and rubric
ASSIGNMENTS for next week
  1. nice journal - MP for six days!
  2. what got me here
  3. EOS
Notice how one assignment is very rules based (EOS) and one is creative (MP)

week 2 for 3
re-write entrance essay
Start finding grammatical errors

Wednesday, March 7

In Class Mar 07 and due Mar 14

1.  in class:  track changes exercise on "Unforgiven" or "Psycho" 
2.  in class:  Act I of V for Vendetta and 2 page max on structure of Act I
3.  Power Point slide show to support your 5-10 min presentation - and a "leave behind" (a little gift, a poem, a citation, a website, a business card - whatever)

Tuesday, March 6


Please watch and share this amazing, surprising, shocking, and sad movement happening NOW.

Wednesday, February 29

Due Wed Mar 7

1.  Everyone has work due or improvement due on Research paper - or accept your grade "as is" or your "0" as is.  Hard copy only.

2.  Everyone COULD hand in the "Unforgiven" or "Psycho" paper that was due this week.  You were to read the four critics and take from them what helps you to create "the structure" of the film.  "The Structure" is a.) given circumstances, b.) objectives c.) plot points.  If you missed our discussion, you might be at a loss, but so far no one handed in a paper - so if you wish to get on top, you might want to make up for lost time and do this paper
3.  The Power Point creations will be postponed for one week and now ALL DUE NO EXCEPTIONS on Mar 14th.  THis is because some research papers are still outstanding and others could be improved.  Repeat:  Power Point presentations now due March 14th and "0" if late.  
NEW AGREEMENT:  more work time will take place DURING CLASS and not so much "homework" so that we can hop onto the "Trust Train."
I will be off the computer this week but for 10 min each day checking email and blog comments: so be brief, be clear, and I WILL answer you if you have a question.  
NEXT WEEK in class
1.  another exercise watching Act I of a film:  Wall Street, Paris, Texas, or Gran Torino.
2.  the "Track Changes" exercise - which will be given out and completed in class

Tuesday, February 28

a possible opening paragraph for Psycho paper

Four reviewers carry on the enduring interest in Hitchcock’s Psycho: A  Ebert, B  Meyerson, C  Knickerbocker, and D  the guy who wrote about “Queering,”  what can we add to and subtract from each to render a briefer, clearer look at this classic?

Wednesday, February 22

Due Feb 29

1.  2 page paper - using your film (Psycho or Unforgiven) - your clear layout of "the structure" and your look at the 3 critics and how they helped clarify or missed on helping with "the structure" - i.e., it is a critique of the critics from a structured point of view.

2.  Elements of Style:  interesting sentences on film for rules 7-8-9-10
  • Your research paper will be returned
  • We will discuss presentation tips:  from power point to acting technique
  • Assignment for "Track Changes" that will be due April 14th
  • Your presenation of Elements of Style 7-8-9-10

Wednesday, February 15

upcoming weeks

2/22:  DUE:  the research paper:  a couple of you still owe me a proposal
          and  of you are emailing me the title/author of the book you promised to read
          you will receive back "The Raging Bull" structure paper         
          we will "act out" our SIMPLIFIED "elevator speeches"
2/29:  DUE:  the review of the 3 critics on Unforgiven or Psycho
          what were the critics critiquing?  did they "get to" the structure of the film, "the scaffolding:" 2 objectives+2 plot points?  or did they (just) forward "opinions."  2.p MAX
we will learn "Track Changes" and pick "citizen reviews"
SOME Power Point techniques
3/07:  Power Point presentations

Thursday, February 9

due Feb 15

1. late "Raging Bull" papers:  use the framework.  2 page max.  Sample "Million Dollar Baby"

2. time to watch either "Unforgiven" or "Psycho" (Hitchcock's Psycho) to prepare for the assignment which will be given out on 2/15 for 2/29

3.  Proposal - after you get your email, you can revise your draft proposal   
2/15:  proposal due (follow format given in email)
2/22:  research paper due (6 page max, 3 sources, title page, abstract)
2/29:  feedback on research paper
3/07:  Power Point presentation on your research paper

4.  Elevator speech (remember, brief:  hand in the paragraph)

5.  Business letter re-dos (or reply to my comments)

6.  EOS re-dos (or reply to my comments)

7.  Tell me which book you picked to read this quarter:  please take notes of passages or pages that "really hit" you.

Tuesday, February 7

Wed Feb 8th

Elevator - action
MLA STYLE - power point slides
"reference paper" proposal - now - will be due in 2 weeks
reviews - go find three reviews - assign paper (2 pages)
reviews - next will find "citizen" review and do "track changes"

Wednesday, February 1


  • 2-3 letters read aloud:  hired?
  • Elevator speeches:  give
  • EOS:  run though rules 2 and 3:  Assign Rules 4, 5, 6\\
  • Million $ Baby:  discuss and Read my paper
  • Pick a film for next week?  1.5 pages, using the I II III CHART HANDOUT (V for Vendetta?  High Plains Drifter   Wall Street (orig)  Raging  Bull  Cucoo’s Nest  Kramer vs. Kramer
  • Prep for next assignment which will be due Feb 15th
  • Pick three major reviewers:  You will be reviewing the reviewers
  • Following that, you will learn “Track Changes”

Monday, January 30

the Blog here

seems this small class is not very blog oriented.  If, however, you begin to use this and check it - you can use it to post thoughts, discoveries, favorites, ask questions - you will begin to find it useful to you.  If you do not use it, soon I will begin to ignore it too.

Saturday, January 28

Friday, January 27

a nice premise

God makes no spare parts.

Wednesday, January 25

Due Next week

1.  your letter rewritten as discussed
2.  your "elevator speech" written out (should read to about 30 seconds - and your "premise" is either in it or inspires it
3.  Elements of Style, Rules 2 and 3
4.  The book you chose to read:  we will finalize it
5.  Watch or re-watch "Million Dollar Baby" and make note of these matters:
  • premise of film
  • "objectives" of two mail characters, specifying which one of two is protagonist
  • two plot points:  end of Act I and end of Act II.   Consider:  how do those plot points act upon the character's objectives
6.  you MAY have had another exercise requested of you on your re-write of admission essay.  If so, that is also due.

Tuesday, January 24

Praise Dancers to He Saw the Best in Me by singer and songwriter Marvin Sapp

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

THIS EMBED CODE SHOULD BE CUT FROM HERE AND THEN PASTED INTO THE "HTML" TAB.   How do you edit?  Sign on and then you should see a little pencil under YOUR posts.  click it.  or you can go to your "dashboard" and click on (existing) posts and you will see yours and edit will be available on yours.

Thursday, January 19

I found a book to read called Bad Girls of the Bible and I think it is going to be a good book. It put a twist to the story of Queen Easter, Ruth, Naome and Eve, just to name a few.
TABOR IS TAGGING ONTO CLARA'S POST HERE - see comments for a beginning list.
Choose your book by next week.

Wednesday, January 18

Wednesday, January 11

here :)
Wow! A lot of writing and reading required.

Ruoxin Wu reporting in

Ruoxin Wu reporting in