Monday, September 22

Morning Pages (MP)

  1. Consistency
    1. Same seat
    2. Same notebook or file
    3. Same amount:  3 PAGES. 
    4. Same time.
    5. Date on top
    6. Cpu or handwriting – but keep it the same
    7. Could take 15 minutes.
    8. No re-reading - could re-read on October 26 if you want
    1. Dreams
    2. To do
    3.  Irritation
    4. Free float
  3. MOST IMPORTANT:  Do not let the fingers stop.

Agenda 9/22

WRITE 10-15 min - first memory: 1. you 2. magic 3. critics
Who Am I?
create: creative and goal
technique: structure, grammar, MLA style, business, Hollywood, email, file naming
BLOG - video about re-doing
Syllabus: read all parts
Papers Back: title, 3 paragraphs, a word     
B R E A K - email me w Subject Line:  "Cch Writing One Two Three"
Assignment #1 re-do this paper and print out for next week.
WRITE 10 min
- Don't let the pencil stop
Morning Pages (MP):  see blog
- Assignment #2: MP Tu We Th Fr Sat
- Assignment #3 : Sun 12Noon 1 pg to:
                MLA header; Title & 3 paragraphs
WRITE 10 minutes - what you love
Who are YOU?

Google drive:  for feedback
business letter
one page - MLA and MSWord for header on page 2

Tuesday, September 9


Wednesday, November 6

Seth Godin today

Victims of the Hollywood Paradox

The studios spend ever more on the blockbusters they make because that demonstrates their power and pays everyone in the chain more money, which creates more (apparent) power for those in charge.
But since they pay so much, they have no choice, they think, but to say, “This must work!” So they polish off the edges, follow the widely-known secret formula and create banality. No glory, it seems, with guts.
Every meeting is about avoiding coming anywhere near the sentence, "this might not work," and instead giving ammunition to the groupthink belief that this must work.
And as soon as you do that, you’ve guaranteed it won’t.
Every bestseller is a surprise bestseller, and in fact, nobody knows anything.

(And of course, it's not just movies, is it?)

Cinematography: what is it?

Learning how to write better

see esp:  "Hone"

Monday, October 21

Wednesday, October 16

You're in good company if you make certain grammatical errors

Can you find Einstein's error in the opening sentence below?