Tuesday, October 8

Agenda: The very big and the very little

  1. Cartoon and re-dos hand in
  2. 20 questions
  3. Rule 1 - format
  4. Rules 2-3
  5. Assign Rules 4-5
  6. B R E A K 3:40 or so 3:45
  7. Love (in class for now) - but save this and all in class writings for this week's essay
  8. 2 poems:   Sound - Gesture - lexicon
  9. Dillard and Orwell - see the link on the right side of the blog.  READ ORWELL - at least in part - for next week.  Do this.  1984 Orwell.
  10. Writing about writing - assign essay due next week:  Dillard/Orwell
  11. coming up:  structure, NEXT WEEK
  12. Aspect of film/tv/media that U love
due for next week
A.  Rules 4-5
B.  Skim Orwell and read 3 paragraphs of Dillard "The Writing Life"
C.  Writing about Writing
D.  Extra credit:  errors you find in MY writing or in main stream media (e.g., ... travel with Penny and I)