Monday, October 21

Wednesday, October 16

You're in good company if you make certain grammatical errors

Can you find Einstein's error in the opening sentence below?


Thanks for your comments.  I was worried about one person who circled "I have to drag myself to class."  Turns out that person likes to sleep in, so LOL.  Two people "sort of" resent that they have to take the class; the rest are 'OK' with it.  And the biggest LOL:  one person said that he (or she) might try to fail the class so she (or he) can take it again.  How sweet is that?  Thanks for a great discussion today - lots of great energy.
Premise:  communication energizes.

Saturday, October 12

Tuesday, October 8

Agenda: The very big and the very little

  1. Cartoon and re-dos hand in
  2. 20 questions
  3. Rule 1 - format
  4. Rules 2-3
  5. Assign Rules 4-5
  6. B R E A K 3:40 or so 3:45
  7. Love (in class for now) - but save this and all in class writings for this week's essay
  8. 2 poems:   Sound - Gesture - lexicon
  9. Dillard and Orwell - see the link on the right side of the blog.  READ ORWELL - at least in part - for next week.  Do this.  1984 Orwell.
  10. Writing about writing - assign essay due next week:  Dillard/Orwell
  11. coming up:  structure, NEXT WEEK
  12. Aspect of film/tv/media that U love
due for next week
A.  Rules 4-5
B.  Skim Orwell and read 3 paragraphs of Dillard "The Writing Life"
C.  Writing about Writing
D.  Extra credit:  errors you find in MY writing or in main stream media (e.g., ... travel with Penny and I)

Friday, October 4

My favorite movie director.

Wednesday, October 2

For Week 3

  1. re-do paper if you want a better grade
  2. AP  --  two-way
  3. MP -- keep it consistent.  don't think.
  4. buss letter
  5. cartoon
               a great title
               the sequence
               at least 5 sentences:   one paragraph of 5 sentences  or 3 paragraphs:
                   a 1 sentence paragraph
                   then 3 sentence paragraph
                   then a 1 sentence paragraph

here is a wise young man