Wednesday, February 29

Due Wed Mar 7

1.  Everyone has work due or improvement due on Research paper - or accept your grade "as is" or your "0" as is.  Hard copy only.

2.  Everyone COULD hand in the "Unforgiven" or "Psycho" paper that was due this week.  You were to read the four critics and take from them what helps you to create "the structure" of the film.  "The Structure" is a.) given circumstances, b.) objectives c.) plot points.  If you missed our discussion, you might be at a loss, but so far no one handed in a paper - so if you wish to get on top, you might want to make up for lost time and do this paper
3.  The Power Point creations will be postponed for one week and now ALL DUE NO EXCEPTIONS on Mar 14th.  THis is because some research papers are still outstanding and others could be improved.  Repeat:  Power Point presentations now due March 14th and "0" if late.  
NEW AGREEMENT:  more work time will take place DURING CLASS and not so much "homework" so that we can hop onto the "Trust Train."
I will be off the computer this week but for 10 min each day checking email and blog comments: so be brief, be clear, and I WILL answer you if you have a question.  
NEXT WEEK in class
1.  another exercise watching Act I of a film:  Wall Street, Paris, Texas, or Gran Torino.
2.  the "Track Changes" exercise - which will be given out and completed in class