Tuesday, May 28

Monday, May 20

films about values and thinking

  • Star Wars
  • The Godfather (I)
  • Full Metal Jacket
  • Natural Born Killers
  • 2001 - thinking is mechanical, imposed by something outside, not innate
  • Lion King
  • Bambi
  • Becket
  • American Psycho
  • Kill Bill
  • Masculine Feminine

Action is action; action comes from ideas
Ideas and thinking come from values

Tuesday, May 7

Characters (forces) in Wall Street

1. Father
2. Son: Bud Fox
3. Son's boss
4. Son's co-workers
5. Son's college buddy: (Spader)
6. Hal Holbrick (God figure)
7. "the girl"
8. Gekko
9. Sir Larry
10. The union folks
11. The U.S. Attorney's Office

you want to pick two and state their objectives How did their objectives get whirled around by the two plot points?