Sunday, September 30

Great interview

to embed YouTubes, paste the "embed code" in the HTML tab (rather than in the "compose" tab) when you make a new post

Monday, September 24

Agenda Sept 26

  1. Greetings
  2. Stories:  start at the end
  3. Write:  are you compelled to wonder, to dream, to express?  Yes, you are.   You were put here to express - even Marx's "species being."  Otto Rank.
  4. Ground rules (syllabus)
  5. Morning Pages
  6. Entry Exam
  7. EOS Rule #1:  Format and content and rubric
ASSIGNMENTS for next week
  1. nice journal - MP for six days!
  2. what got me here
  3. EOS
Notice how one assignment is very rules based (EOS) and one is creative (MP)

week 2 for 3
re-write entrance essay
Start finding grammatical errors