Monday, August 30

Sunday, August 22

Movies I watched

Two are:   "Paris Hilton Drops her Lip Glass" and "Stereotypes about Police and Media."  I feel as if I am in a movie, with you giving the teacher these choices.  Yikes! Also watched one called "Disney Meets Ken Wilbur."  I may have gotten those three titles a bit mixed up.  Liked Sister Sara.  Roger Rabbit was much fun - be prepared to discuss Rabbit and E M O T I O N.

Friday, August 20

Thursday, August 19

being married relaxes you

here it is - I'll re-do the final three weeks of the syllabus and also put out the take home final exam particulars this weekend.  Keep your eyes on the skies.

A new study on why 20-somethings take so long to grow up.

A friend shared this with me and although I haven't finished the entire article yet, I found it very interesting.

Enjoy here.

Sunday, August 15

Love and a Quiz

Assignments are to be read.  Did I mention one boss' comment, which was a favorite of mine:  "People do what is inspected, not what is expected."  Consequently, know that there will be pop quiz of 10 questions on Thursday from this week's chapter reading, which is chapter 9.  Also see from another post that you have an assignment!  

Thursday, August 12


Women are wiser than men because they know less and understand more."
wisdom - knowledge - ignorance - intelligence

ASSIGNMENT due next week if you see this - (and you ought to be checking the blog and seeing this.) To discuss these papers in class next week.
ONE page bringing wisdom, knowledge, ignorance, intelligence together with the concepts AND/or "findings" about sex or gender. you can use any of "our" movies: Saved, Idiocracy, 10 Things, or Bethany's movie from this week.

men prosper with women


Today: Gender

We don't believe in pressuring the children; when the time is right, they'll choose the right gender.

2/3 women prefer male boss

here's the report
what are the three things the book says that a woman must do at work to be successful?



Wednesday, August 11

Ah "they" think they know where humor is from now

check it out   That's why slipping on a banana peel - if you are a businessman in a suit - is funny. Hm  That's what I learned years ago in the theater, but the scientists are catching up!

Saturday, August 7


Donnie Darko's opinion here. Let's discuss this together with permissive, authoritarian, authoritative

Wednesday, August 4

the rule of law

First and foremost it is the notion that we are ruled by laws that are written down rather than by the ruler’s whim.